Gemma’s Thruxton Diary – Sunday 4th May 2014

“Twenty to”


Almost late, almost.

Turns out racing starts early – and there’s traffic. A lot of traffic. Not surprising seeing how many people are here, they cover the whole hill surrounding the track and around the fences in the middles. Some of these races ares measured in minutes and the others in laps and, from what I’ve gathered, this race, Courier Connections Renault UK Clio Cup round five – whatever that means – is 12 laps long.

Right now James is in 2nd place straight from 3rd so hopefully he keeps it. Spoke too soon and he’s now in 4th after Josh Cook and before Ant Whorton Eales ( who I’m sure was in 10th at the start ) with Mike Bushell in 1st. The speaker guy i.e disembodied voice , is talking at really high speed so I no idea what he is saying but I’m sure you get used to it – everyone else seems to know what they’re doing. Now in the 4th lap (maybe 5) James is still in 4th with the same around – did I mention Lee Patinson is 2nd. No, I’m sure I didn’t because to be honest, I don’t know what any of those names mean ( is it mean to say that ? ) .

It’s hard to concentrate on the race with all the people walking around. A lot of them have REALLY long hot dogs, they’re what. foot longs? Oh, there is a safety car – what does that mean? Ok it’s gone now and at some point James is down to 5th – when does this stuff happen ? Also now there are 2 disembodied voice guys, James is down to six. I wonder if he still has the old engine. Well, no I don’t but that what people who know what they’re doing are saying. Another safety car and I’ve just learnt that it means they have to add another lap but no idea why. James is back to 5th and covering ground. Paul Rivett has parked his broken car in the middle of the track. Now on the final lap crossing the finish line with :

1st Mike Bushell

James in 5th.

Now that the race is over everyones getting up and moving. Seriously that’s the fourth ice cream van we’ve passed in the last 200 yards. Ok, scrap that, 5.

Now into the pits and I swear this place is even bigger. After at least 5 minutes we find the team and after a behind the scenes “that car shouldn’t look like that“ talk we found the rest of the team with the cars. From here I can see through the door of the media centre and I can’t tell if anyones working but they’re all wearing bright orange tabs – seriously, orange ? It doesn’t seem very interesting , just a room full of computers and people. Its really crowded – I’ve been nearly run over about 5 times and I’ve dropped my note book at least twice. And lets just say its a good thing I bought more than one pen. Still, most people seem to know what they’re doing. There are lots of mechanics running around and although busy they all seem very kind. Everyones working really hard and they got a big kitchen area in the back which seems to be run with military precision. This must be food for the mechanics – I know the smell of BBQ!

Unlike at most of these races today really sunny everyone in t-shirts and sunglasses unlike the 17 coats and waterproof coats you usually see .

Walked back from the pits and the ice cream truck count is at:9.

After lunch (I suggest the noodle place if you ever come) we watched the BTCC (British Touring Car Championship). The noise is thundering – now I understand why people are selling ear defenders. This is meant to be the most popular race but I don’t see why because if there are no Westbourne people racing then there are obviously no awesome people. It looks like there has already been a crash as one car has already come into the pits and it didn’t sound pretty – but that could just be how it normally sounds. Amongst the sea of faces many sit on lounge chairs while most make do with the grassy hill-side, which I think is a much better idea. Some people have gone out and have tents as well as huge parasols and umbrellas. There are so many people here to watch the races – even more than this morning – and they are still coming in through the ticket barriers. Its still really hot and I can see a lot of sunburned faces. Lets just hope its still shining by the time I die of dehydration, or heat stroke, or both. At the same time. There are air ambulances here – aren’t there?

Quite a lot of people are standing at fences to watch the race but a few have gotten creative

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During the Ginetta Junior Championship, every time a car swerved or crashed, everyone in the grandstands would let out collective gasps and oohs. After the race we walked back through the pits grabbing free caps and lanyards on the way.

After buying a pair of sunglasses to stop my eyes falling out because of the still shining sun, we walked down to the Westbourne cans (now knowing where they are). They should get a bigger flag . At the moment James (yes, the Colburn one) is doing these sort of show and tell sessions, where people come in and he shows them his car, telling them about his car and driving before answering all questions they have. As well as showing them the outside and inside of his car, he explains how the engine works and what the team does to maintain it. James is not only a great driver but also a natural people person so everyones laughing and learning lots. Because Westbourne Motorsport is a family run business everybody knows each others names and they atmosphere is really friendly. Everyones always laughing and joking – there’s never a dull day here at Westbourne.

2nd BTCC . The sun is not as bright anymore but it doesn’t seem to have deterred the hundreds of people crowding the fence line. The wind has picked up and the temperature dropped so people have began to pull on jumpers. I, myself  have began to wish I brought a jumper. Maybe if I pray one will magically drop out the sky. That would be nice……Too late, the sun already came out and the race is still going on. Gordon Shedon is in 2nd place – is it bad to support him just because he’s Scottish ? Probably not, but……..Now he’s in the lead,lets just hope it stays this way. Stupid sun went behind the stupid clouds again and I’m shivering. Although I can’t help but wonder if the line for one of the ice cream trucks will be shorter. It’s so cold.Wait  – red flag – lap 14. Austen and Foster are off at the tyre wall so the race ends there and Shedon takes the win !!!The third BTCC should start in the positions starting 13th lap.

Twenty past four, after the Porsche Carrera cup, we are watching the marshalls put up posts to stop the cars going in the curbs but I bet they won’t be up for long.

The Clio Cup is starting now and James is starting in 3rd place. Again, he better stay cos I bet he wouldn’t want to get shown up by his brother, his young brother. At least he doesn’t have a sister racing – THAT would be embarrassing. Then again I don’t think there are any girls racing . HMPH. The race has just started and James is now in the lead. Lets hope he stays there after all him winning would be an awesome end to the day. I’ve given up on standing – there are too many people . So I’m sitting down – the floor isn’t that uncomfortable. There have been no crashes so far but some really close shaves. Especially at the corners. I told you the posts wouldn’t be there for long. James is still in the lead. I wonder what he’s thinking right now. Probably “ I wonder how awesome I look right now” or “ Was that meant to just fall off like that ?”. Well thats what I would be thinking. James is still in the lead, lap 7 of 12. I wonder what the back looks like from the car. I mean all I can see is legs. Wow, that guys shoes are really dirty ! Most people are wearing trainers or hiking boots but there is always one person who wear totally inappropriate foot wear. Seriously, open-toed, wedge sandals. This morning , what made you think “ I’m going to the races today, its going to be all hills and grass. I know, I’ll wear my highest heels !!” ? Why ? James is still in the lead. Close on the corner again. Whoops, last lap – it’s really close over the finish line.

James won!

He is being interviewed by the T.V crew…..I wonder what they are saying, I can’t hear from here. A lot of the crew are here and everyone is really happy. You can barely hear anything over the sound of the engines and voices. The people are from ITV Sport- right ? Now we’re at the podium and we’re right at the front. We all cheered when James came on and everybody laughed when Bushell and Rivett squirted champagne in his face. But then James aimed right for us and I got covered in champagne, note book and all.

Thanks James, thanks !

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